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  • Coffee24/7 ECO



Mr.English Coffee 24/7 は小さな珈琲豆焙煎専門店です

Coffee 24/7では
飲み物→ ¥100割引 食べ物→ ¥50割引
Thomas G.McBay
Coffee 24/7 Drive-Thru.
Roast Master



Mr. English Coffee 24/7 is a specialty micro coffee roasting co.  Our main business is roasting and selling fresh roasted coffee beans.  However, we also have a small list of hand made drink and light food menu options. 

At Coffee 24/7 we are always doing our best to minimize our ecological footprint.  It's difficult to be completely green, eco friendly and still run an ongoing business concern at the same time but we always strive to do our best and do better.
We have installed over 20kw of solar panels and produce over 3 times the energy we actually consume.
We are primarily a take out business so we are always trying to minimize the amount of waste produced as best we can.  We give out paper catalogs of our menu and coffee pricing automatically to new customers but we try not to give out wasteful advertising material every time to repeat customers that already have received this information.
We do not automatically put already aluminum valve bag packed coffee beans in a paper bag when we know that a customer does not need or desire a paper bag.  
We do not automatically put our food products in a paper bag with extra napkins unless a customer requests us specifically to.
We do not automatically give sugar sticks and creamers to customers who drink their coffee black so we ask each and every time if customers would like their coffee with cream, sugar or black.
Every single time we look for ways to reduce the garbage that we produce.  We still unfortunately produce an amazing amount of garbage but there is just no other way we can sell our products.
One of the greatest eco systems that we have been very proud of is our Eco Cup system.  If a customer brings their own cup we offer a ¥50 yen discount on any of our drink items.
Now we are expanding our Eco Cup reward system even further.  For all customers that bring one of our Coffee 24/7 Java Jackets back to reuse we offer an amazing ¥100 discount on any drink item and an additional ¥50 discount on any food item of their choice.  Eco Jack!
For Eco Cup customers that bring their own cup we are now increasing our Eco Cup reward system to a ¥150 discount per cup.  This applies to refills in our paper cup with a Java Jacket, too.  But keep in mind that a paper cup can be reused but at some point the top doesn't fit securely so it needs to be replaced.  Don't worry, if you are a regular customer we'll work with you and give you a new paper cup when necessary with our eco discount just for trying.  It is our belief and philosophy that trying is what it's all about.  Nobody is perfect!  Especially not us!  Eco Cup customers are also welcome to a ¥50 discount on any food item of their choice as well.
Of course, this program is designed and targeted to regular repeat customers but new first time customers are included and eligible to join.  If you know about our program from our web site, social media, a friend etc. and want to participate in a ¥150 discount on a drink item and a ¥50 discount on any food item from the very first time you come to our Coffee 24/7 Drive-Thru then all you have to do is bring a cup.  Any cup that at least can hold 220 ml. for a small size or 350 ml. for an M size.  We are even happy to put your cup of coffee in another companies travel mug or paper cup and give you our Eco Cup special discount.  We are so pleased every time another cup, straw, napkin, bag, etc. is saved for the earth.
Let's Go Eco!
Thomas G. McBay
Coffee 24/7 Drive-Thru.
Roast Master